Still under construction
Research Facilities
Research facilities in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor can be found on the departmental website. Dr. Marcus Drover has a nice list for synthetic chemists. Some of the instruments are suitable for the characterization of biomolecules. Below is a list of instruments available for our research program as a protein biochemistry lab.
Molecular Biology
- Thermocylcer (CORe 205)
Protein Production
- Refrigerated incubator shaker: Amerex Gyromax 777R (CORe 205C)
- Bench-top orbital shaker: ThermoFisher MaxQ 4000 (CORe 205C)
- Sonicator: QSonica Q500 (CORe 205C)
- FPLC: GE Healthcare ÄKTA Pure 25L1 (CORe 205)
- Light scattering: Zetasizer Nano ZS (CORe 1xx)
- Plate readers:
- Cytofluor Series 4000, multi-well fluorescence plate reader (ECL)
- Thermo Labsystems, Luminoskan Acent, multi-well luminescence plate reader (ECL)
- Tecan Spark multi-mode plate reader (GLIER-EGF)
- Perkin Elmer Victor3V plate reader (GLIER-EGF)
- Infrared: Bomem DA3 FT-IR Spectrometer (Essex Hall)
Mass spectroscopy
- Waters Xevo G2-XS Tof Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
- Waters SYNAPT G2-Si Mass Spectrometer dedicated for measurements of protein and peptide samples
NMR Spectroscopy
- Bruker Avance III 500 MHz, with TBI triple-resonance, BBFO double resonance probes and MAS II unit for solid-state NMR (CORe 1xx)
- Nikon SMZ-800N Stereomicroscope (CORe 205F)
- Bruker Apex - CCD Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer, Low-Temp. Attachment (CORe 104)